Membership Information
The Mahone Bay Meditation Centre is operated by the South Shore Buddhist Meditation Society (SSBMS), a non-profit society incorporated under the Nova Scotia Societies Act. The entire operation is run by volunteers. Membership in the Society allows you to make better use of the facilities offered at the Centre which include:
- Regular practice in community,
- Meditation instruction,
- Volunteer service,
- Access to our library,
- Use of the meditation hall for personal and small group purposes (solitary meditation, tai chi practice, yoga, etc.)
Three types of membership are available:
- Pillar members are those who are able and willing to help to keep the roof over our heads. Their contributions are essential to maintain the financial sustainability of the Centre and to make up for any shortfalls. Pillar members contribute $693 per year ($57.75 per month).
- Core members are our foundational membership block and are key to the Centre’s existence. Their contributions provide an vital source of income for our operations. Core members contribute $252 per year ($21 per month).
- Associate members are those who do not participate in sessions at the Centre on a regular basis, or who wish to contribute to the Centre for the benefit of others. Associate members contribute $63 per year.
All who pay dues will be voting members of the Society. Since the Society does not have charity status, no tax receipts will be issued. We welcome drop-in guests who may attend regular program sessions free of charge. Donations are most welcome and may be placed in our “cookie jar” near the door.
Memberships are annual from January 1st to December 31st, prorated on a monthly basis. In addition to the membership form, please specify your intended membership level when you submit your payment.
A membership form is not necessary if you are renewing your membership. We would be grateful if you could do this in January of the new year.
For payment options please see below. If you prefer to fill out a printed membership form, please download the PDF file and drop it off at MBMC.