2019 General Meeting

Posted Posted in Information, Members

September 21st 2019 from 10am-noon was the first official General Meeting of the South Shore Buddhist Meditation Society. 

This was also a meeting for the whole MBMC community, so non-members were strongly encouraged to come and participate.  We asked everyone:

  • do you find our programs useful?
  • what changes would you like to see?
  • should we have a pot-luck lunch on Bonus Sundays?
  • what would you like to offer to the community?
  • is Pepsi better than Coca-cola?

A pizza lunch was served afterwards.

Tuesday Morning Sit

Posted Posted in Program

Starting on June 4th 2019 we started conducting two consecutive half-hour sitting meditation sessions on Tuesday mornings.  These are listed in our calendar as “Simple Sit” which reflects the nature of the event.

At 10:30, after a brief introduction, we begin sitting meditation.  If novice meditators are present basic meditation instructions are given.  About 10:55 we practice a little walking meditation, and the door is opened to allow people to leave or to join us.  Shortly after 11:00 we resume sitting in silence, and at 11:30 we finish with an informal chat about our experiences.

If you are new to meditation, please come for the basic instruction at 10:30 at least once.

This is one of our Regular Programs:  everyone is welcome.  Drop-in guidelines apply.

Grand Opening

Posted Posted in Information

On Sunday May 19th 2019 we officially celebrated the opening of the all-new MBMC.

The Sunday morning meditation ran from 9am till 11:15am and was followed by an open house to celebrate the open space.  May 19th was also Vesakha Day, the festival commemorating the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha.

There was an Indian themed potluck lunch at noon to which the the public was invited.  MBMC members and friends brought dishes to share with others.  The buffet included:

  • Curried chickpeas and broccoli salad
  • Samosas
  • Lentil soup
  • Dal (lentil stew)
  • Lamb stew
  • Tandoori chili
  • Chicken curry pie
  • Raita
  • Rice
  • Curried potatoes
  • Naan bread
  • Assorted fruit
  • Birthday cake!

Approximately 60 members, friends, and guests were welcomed and fed.